Closed Mondays Directions

What's New: Competitive Events

  • Wine & Spirits Competition – featuring new expanded spirits classes

  • Cheeseball Contest– Create your own unique recipe from scratch for a cheeseball. Judges will be looking for a creative cheeseball.
  • Pineapple Cupcake Contest – Create your own unique recipe from scratch for a frosted pineapple cupcake. Judges will be looking for a creative pineapple cupcake.

  • Indiana Arts Vintage Arts and Antiques Division – 2024 Indiana State Fair Theme: The Art & Nature of Fun
  • Indiana Arts Decorative Arts Division – 2024 Indiana State Fair Theme: The Art & Nature of Fun
  • Indiana Arts Professional Fine Arts Division – 2024 Indiana State Fair Theme: The Art & Nature of Fun
  • Indiana Arts Non-Professional Fine Arts Division – 2024 Indiana State Fair Theme: The Art & Nature of Fun
  • Indiana Arts Youth Arts Division – 2024 Indiana State Fair Theme: The Art & Nature of Fun
  • Indiana Arts Culinary Arts Division – 2024 Indiana State Fair Theme: The Art & Nature of Fun
  • Indiana Arts Needle Arts & Sewing Division – 2024 Indiana State Fair Theme: The Art & Nature of Fun
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